Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Au Revoir, America!

Well, today is the day! After eight months of excitement, nerves, and stress, we will finally board the plane in a couple short hours. 

When I was leaving for Tanzania, I felt vulnerable and unprepared. I didn't know how to pack for a long term trip, didn't know the essentials for surviving a third world country, I hardly knew a traveler's packing basics. Well, I not only successfully packed for this trip with minimal vulnerability, I even helped my friend and co-adventuress get her luggage together. She was amazed at my smooth and collected preparations, especially when I mentioned the foldable hamper. It was about that moment that I realized, Wow, I've got this down! As I was explaining in an interview recently, I feel as though my trip to Tanzania was my threshold into adulthood. I feel as though it has developed my presence, confidence, and appreciation for everything around me. The beggining of this trip has further proved that notion! 

Now, my new, cool, collected self is about to board a flight for a trip of a lifetime! Unfortunately, the hype is a bit diluted by the fact that we land shortly after for a layover in Boston. Next, we stop in an unpronounceable city in Iceland. Then, finally, we arrive in the City of Lights around 7 am, 1 am eastern time. I hope to catch my Z's on the flights with the help of my new travel pillow, because once my foot reaches the cobblestone pavement, the adventures begin! 

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